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Cushings Community

This site was created to accompany the work that HRA Rare Diseases is carrying out in the field of Cushings Syndrome.

We have had a long-standing commercial relationship with HRA, with work covering live filming, online conferences, websites, printed materials and online video recordings.

This site is aimed at supporting the Cushing Syndrome community and giving advice as well as useful information. We have also launched a UK version of this site this year. And are well-versed in dealing with Veeva and other processes.


Upwards Group is a collective of strategists and creatives based all across Europe. We provide creative and strategic digital solutions to a wide range of clients, predominantly in the NGO, Charity and Trade Union sectors.


And our work has ranged from live events to campaigning and high-profile websites. We specialise in very rapid turnaround of projects. Get in touch.